Top Tech Dividend Stocks of 2018
The following are the top performing technology dividend stocks of 2018 that have a dividend yield of 2% or more and a positive 5-year dividend growth rate. We excluded those with poor dividend growth metrics to stay focused on stocks dividend investors may find appealing.
Top Revenue Growth Dividend Stocks
This is a list of dividend stocks with a yield of 1% or more sorted by 3 year revenue growth. This list represents the top 50 in this category.
February 2018 Top Performing Dividend Stocks
The following list is the top 60 performing dividend stocks for February 2018. We screened for stocks with a yield of 1% or more and have included the 3 year dividend growth rate.
February 2018 Worst Dividend Performers
The following list is the bottom 50 performing dividend stocks for February 2018. We screened for stocks with a yield of 1% or more and have included the 3 year dividend growth rate.
January 2018 Top Performing Dividend Stocks
The following list is the top 50 performing dividend stocks for January 2018. We screened for stocks with a yield of 1% or more and have included the 3 year dividend growth rate.
Best of 2017 – Top Performing Dividend Stocks
A look back at the 100 best of the best dividend stocks of 2017. This list includes all sectors. The stock must have a dividend yield of 1% or higher to make this list. Please take note and remember that past performance does not indicate future results. This is for informational purposes only. This is […]
40 Best Performing Utility Stocks of 2017
Top 40 Utiltity stocks of 2017 with a yield of 1% or more.