Roundup: Facts of a Financial Life

Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in what we’re doing, and what we hope to do, that we sometimes forget the simple facts of life. Whether you are building a portfolio around your desired lifestyle, or whether you are just trying to get your finances in order, it can help to get back to some of the basics — or at least get just the facts. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Building Wealth – Income and Expenditure: Over at Dividend Monk, Matt takes a look at the most basic of financial concepts. However, it bears reviewing. You want to know the basics of income — and of expenses — and how to make it all work for you.
  2. How Can You Reduce Your Mortgage Payments?: It is possible to save money, reducing your expenses. Over at Dividend Partisan, a guest contributor takes a look at how you can reduce your mortgage payments. Use that money for something else!
  3. Perspective: Dividend Mantra asks us to step back and find a little perspective. Sometimes, where you are at, and what you are doing, depends on your perspective. And sometimes you need a reminder that life can be short, and you need to find your own purpose.
  4. How to lifestyle Vanguard LifeStrategy funds: Monevator takes a look at a strategy to build your portfolio around your lifestyle. Using Vanguard LifeStrategy funds, The Accumulator helps you see how you can build a portfolio around your changing lifestyle needs.
  5. Investing Based on Market Valuation: Oblivious Investor takes a look at the basics of using PE10 for investing. An interest way to decide on what to include in your investment portfolio.
  6. Why Do Utilities Have Such High Debt and High Payout Ratios?: Dividend Ninja takes a look at high payout ratios among utilities. A great, fact-based analysis of utilities in general.
  7. 5 Dividend Champions Trading within 10% of Their 52 Week Lows: The Dividend Pig shares some great information about some good values in the dividend world. Maybe its time to load up a little.
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