Premium Dividend Membership Resources
The following resources are available to our top dividend members.
Dividends By Sector
Monthly Dividend Stocks
Ex-Dividend Dates
Change Your Password
Use the following link to reset your password: Password Reset
You will be taken to a profile page. You can reset your password at the bottom of the page:

Update Billing Information
You can change the credit card we have on file for your monthly membership fee at any time. You will need your order number to access your account. This can be found in the email receipt you received when you signed up or you can contact us and we will look it up for you.
Access your billing account here:
1. You will be taken to this page:

3. You will then be taken to your account page. Click update payment method. From here you can update all of your billing account information.

You can open an official support ticket at any time. You will need your order number to access your account. This can be found in the email receipt you received when you signed up. You can also contact us directly and we will be glad you help you.
Access your billing account here:
1. You will be taken to this page:

3. You will then be taken to your account page. Click get support.